Sunday 19 May 2013

What do you do for charity?...

What do you do for charity?...

Well luckily this very short blog isn't about me. Deb's recent charitable urge (link) was really only a dressed up fry-up in a cafe wasn't it. I guess that's more what I am talking about really being wholly giving in a charitable sense after all it doesn't just have to be all about giving money.

What this charitable couple are doing tonight, tomorrow, as a dog lover is almost difficult for me to comprehend. We have been talking for a while about getting another dog, it has been 37 months since Callum finally went with a bit of a shove after long illnesses into 'doggy heaven' (if that's your belief). The bit I'm less looking forward to about having a new hound is the post very young puppy stage, and going into doggy teenage years. Callum went from being a cute ball of fluff, through something quite comical with his legs seeming to grow an inch per day, to a hooligan who liked nothing more than to play bowling down the length of our garden using a five year old Jess as a pin. To stop his full pelt run he used to clatter into the fence at the bottom of the garden with a BOOM!

With lots of hard work and 18 months of training he eventually calmed down into a gentleman. How would I have felt if after that 18 months hard work and time bonding I had had a call saying 'great news, it's time to give Callum back!'

That is exactly what Bob (Tucker) and June (link), fellow Sandhill boat owners, have to do tomorrow. Phoenix has had her 18 months (ish) with Bob and June. She is now trained and socialized and like Callum has matured into a fine young. But her hard work is not over because tomorrow she University for Guide Dog training, and make a real difference to a blind persons life.

I know the day was going to come for Bob and June but that doesn't make it any easier. We're thinking about you guys and keep up the charitable work!

A couple of my favorite pics from Tucker's 2013 blog.

My Turn

Play Time

Time for a cuddle

And one of Callum.

In Gentleman mode - bowling, a long forgotten memory

A Speckled Hen and a packet of scratching please

Hmm f3.5 and ISO 100 ... well if your sure

I was actually trying to take a pic of Durdle Door, not Callum

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debbie and James
    Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. You brought tears to my eyes. Yes we will be very sad tomorrow but not as sad as you must have been when your lovely Callum passed on. At least we will get to see Phoenix again at the end of her guiding training and know she will be going on to do good in this world.
    Once again thank you for thinking of us.
    Bob June and Phoenix
